tips on keeping my house clean?


Favorite Answer

pick up after yourself


First thing is first you have to minimilize!!!! If you are not willing to do this you will be the burden of your material posessions forever. Without de-cluttering you can never have a truly clean house because you will always be putting the same things away time and time again.


Devise a system: do one room at a time and organize first. Once all the organizing is done than you can go from room to room and do the basic cleaning first such as sweeping, mopping etc.

Do the smaller last minute touches like the windexing and dishes.

This is how I do it and it works but you have to be willing to do this at least every second day.


I can offer you one tip for your bathroom shower/tub.
I recently bought the Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner and it REALLY WORKS! I opted to give my shower a good cleaning before installing this unit. It is totally keeping my shower sparkling clean all with just a push of a button after I use the shower each day!

check it out:


Hire a maid. Vinegar is a good all purpose cleaner. I use an ionizer which cuts down on dust quite a bit. Keep company to a minimum. Make a schedule & stick to it. Ask for help if there's anyone else living there.


I am in the cleaning business and here is our secret!
We buy this cleaning cloth off the internet. You have to buy in packages of 5 but they are only like $3 bucks a piece. I have ordered them and use them on everything, especially cleaning windows and clean mirrors. They are made out of tiny fibers. They are guaranteed not to scratch and all you do is rinse the cloth under water, wring it out and wipe ANY surface with no streaks or scratch. Use em over and over. I have not thrown one away yet!
I am sold on this ...I encourage you to try it out….hope this helps…Steve

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