Shouldn't teachers have a degree in what they teach rather than just a teaching degree?

One person make the comment that a teaching degree is one of the easiest degrees to get in college. The teachers are taught how to teach. But then when they come to the subject they teach, they do not know it. Shouldn't teachers in math have a math degree? Teachers in science have a science degree? Biology? History? Art? Should we even let teachers who only have a teaching degree anywhere near our kids?

Catie I2007-02-11T11:59:37Z

Favorite Answer

You are right! Teachers need to get a degree in the subject they teach. Years ago a Teacher's Degree meant that the teacher knew a lot of things about everything. They then would start to specialize in the subject that they taught.

We need to start demanding that our colleges and universities start teaching our teachers correctly. That means first two years teach them how to teach, second two years teach them about the subject they elect to teach.

Too many teachers are in our schools with little to no knowledge of the subject matter they are suppose to be teaching. Teachers who don't even like to teach are in our classrooms waiting to retire. They cannot be removed because of tenure. The Teachers Union would keep our children ignorant all for the sake of a job for one of their members.


It seems to depend on the credential requirements of the state. some states require that you have a degree in the subject that you teach. Others just that you demonstrate some knowledge of the subject which usually means some coursework. (I'm assuming that you're only talking about middle and high schools since you need a multi-subject credential to teach) If the teacher is good, i say let them teach even if they don't necessarily have a degree. One of the best math teachers I ever had was an english major. Teaching depends less on a mastery of the subject (although that certainly helps) than on good communications with and respect of the students.


What makes you think that people with other degrees want to be anywhere near your kids? Teaching is a low-paid, thankless job where your every move is scrutinized by people who don't want your job and want you to do a big part of THEIR job as well.

Few school districts can afford to hire people who only teach one thing. Sure, by the time you get to high school it is a little more common- but most of those teachers HAVE taken a lot of classes in their specialty area.

You cannot become a science, math, or art teacher if you 'don't know it- you have to get an endorsement in that field to get hired in most school districts.

We need to fix education in the US, but the educational standard of the teachers is not necessarily the way to do it.


No, a teacher is a teacher. I have changed from science to computing and I feel I am doing just as well. If you can teach, you can teach. If you have a degree in a subject, you know that subject but that doesn't mean you can teach.

Happily married2007-02-11T12:15:46Z

No, people w/o a specialized degree shouldn't be teaching...however, in order to teach a specific subject, teachers ARE required to have their degree in that area. Elementary teachers have their degree in Preschool-4th grade and have to master classes in every subject matter. Any level above 4th grade, the teachers pick a specialty area: math/science, social studies/language arts.

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