Why do so many people ban use of email or IM on their profile?

I read so many questions and answers, and I would like to find out more details once in a while, and there is no way to contact some folks...
I wish there was a way...


Perhaps I wasn't clear on this...
I mean the Yahoo Answers people who when you look at their profile, it says no IM, no email, when they answer a question or ask a question...
That's who I meant...
I can't leave a note to someone who wont come back and look at the answer again, there is no guarantee they will ever look after they answer...
And this is also for other folks I come across, not my questions or answers...
Sometimes I see an interesting question or answer and I want to contact the asker or the answerer and I can't...


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I've had so many unkind ones that is why I don't reveal.


Good question indeed!

It is true that in some of the cases you will find that Yahoo! Answers Users would disable IM and e-mail contact options just so that you are not able to leave a note or ask for additional information to their original question.

This also obviously makes it impossible for others when they see an interesting question or answer and would like to contact the Asker for more information etc.

The Trolls and Abusers has made it impossible for some of the people to keep their IM and Email options 'open' to other Users. I would personally feel that unless the menace reaches to 'unhealthy' level, let us keep our communication channels open till the real threat is encountered and then we can always put bar at later stage.

I have seen that so many people would allow Y!360 to be seen by Friends or Friends-Friend level etc. This way we can restrict nuisance-mongers from messing with our pages.

In fine, I will go for 'open' environment where one can easily see the amount of information required for any Asker or respondent. This would make the Users responsible while they Ask as well as when the respond with Answers.


I think it's because people don't know it is entirely private through Yahoo!Answers. When people talk about the unwanted mail they have received, I'm not sure they mean through the Y!A system, since your address is hidden when people send a message to you. Also, you can put people on ignore when they send you something you don't want. Most users seem to think they can rid of unwanted messages by sending a nasty reply, but any reply just encourages it.

I have communicated with many people and rarely received unwanted mail.


If you leave yours open I'm sure you will very soon decided to keep it private.

I have people that I would like to have more correspondence with. When I first joined this a few days ago, I left mine open & have already received emails of a nature that I don't wish to receive.

I now (I hope, if I've set it up properly!) have banned the use of email &IM.

Hope this answers your question.


Have you ever heard the expression: "A few bad apples spoil the whole barrel?" That is why....There are "crazies" out there that will start to harass you,they literally "stalk" your in box and send you hundreds of verbally abusive emails if they did not like your answer! Also you will see spammers spamming you until your in box will be filled with junk! So it is better to not allow anyone on the chance that you will find that one crazy person...or better stated..on the chance that that ONE CRAZY PERSON finds YOU!!!

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