"Choice" vrs. "No Choice" - Looking for the TRUTH. (I am totally sincere with the question)
First, look at my name, and look at my previous answers. I am not gay, nor do I bash gays. We are all human.
I have always read here that being homesexual is "not a choice" and that "we are born this way". Most everyone who says that, leads one to believe that it's scientifically proven. I never thought that was true, but not being a LGBT, I was only here to learn about it, because a very good friend of mine is gay, and I wanted to learn more about them.
Anyway, I have checked with the AMA, the APA, and NARTH and have found the following. The AMA does NOT state that it is genetic or inborn. See the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons at http://www.jpands.org/vol10no3/lehrman.pdf
Also, NARTH, National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (http://www.narth.com/docs/correctionletter2.html) has seemed to say basically the same thing. I am NOT trying to stir up problems, but can someone point me to the medical or scientific proof that I missed ?
Thank you "I Wonder" for giving me the links. I will take a look. The others, before you, gave me their opinions, (which I already knew), and offered no proof - which is what I asked for.
AdamK - Glad to hear from you, as I do respect your answers. I was not aware that NARTH was a religious group - so I WILL discount their reports. I agree with you about the APA, but the AMA is a highly respected organization, and they do not say it is genetic. Granted, the gene (or combo genes) may not be discovered yet, but it hasn't been PROVED yet, one way or the other. And YES, I am after the TRUTH - not bashing anyone - really.
Tracer - I am sorry that you don't want straight people to learn more about the gay community. I have always been a person who can't seem to get enough knowledge, and want to learn more. I still think that this question is more important (and educational) than the questions you post. The only think I get out of your questions, is a laugh. They ARE funny, but I am here for an education.
Thank You to all of you who have given me links to read up on, or who gave some additional knowledge (about NARTH, etc.). I still am not convinced one way or another as to what is correct. Yes, I do think I elected to be straight. I have seen some good looking guys, but never approached them in a sexually way. That was MY choice. If I decided to approach them, it would also have been MY CHOICE.
Once again, thank you for the links and help.
Mark B. - Thank you for your post. One part in error, is where you looked and said that since all my posts are in the LGBT section, that should tell me something. Yes, they are all in this section, but I came here to learn more about lesbians. I have feelings for a woman I know, and she is a lesbian. I was hoping to find out what I could do or say to change her so that we could go out. I asked her out, and was turned down. I was really ignorant of the LGBT community. Since I came here, I have learned much about her. I learned that she isn't rejecting me, as she is rejecting all men. I learned that the most I can do is to be friends with her. I know I can't change her, but I do accept her as she is. She is the nicest person I have ever met, bar none. Luckily, for me, she understood my lack of knowledge on the subject, and we are still very good friends.
That, is why I am on the LGBT forum - for the learning experience so I don't act like an a** with her.
Atropis: Thank you for your explanation. Actually, I was only thinking genetic or inbred - when maybe I have to open the horizon more.
Thanks to all who gave me facts, and good places to read more. There are several very good answers here - and I wish I knew how to select more than one as a Best answer. Thanks again.