Would you buy a 150 dollar laptop?


Personally I think these babies are sweet, 150 dollars for a laptop isnt bad. So it doesn't come with much storage or windows, I would take a hand crack over them any day. Am I the only person that would actually want to buy one?


*Note, the 150 dollar price was a price from a previous article I read, I'm not sure there is an actual hard price for them yet.


If you read the article, they do come with an operating system they come with specialized distros of linux.


Favorite Answer

Depends on a lot of factors:

1)Processor speed, bus speed, hard drive size
2)Ability to upgrade in future, how many slots available, how much can I upgrade if available
3)How big is the monitor portion of the laptop, and does it have all the accessories you will need.

The fact that it doesn't have an OS won't be too big a deal as for you can always load one on to it, but you will need the RAM and space available to do so. IF everything else about it suits your needs then by all means, knock yourself out. You might even think about getting two of them, and keep one for parts or for upgrading the other with later.


150 dollars are fine. you can add the storage or else later. what about the ram?