Is it OK to touch the screen of a lap top?
My Husband keeps touching the screen of my lap top and says it will not hurt it. Is that true?
My Husband keeps touching the screen of my lap top and says it will not hurt it. Is that true?
Tier D
Favorite Answer
only if he touches it lightly. If the stabs his finger into it, he can break the screen. If he does that, you have my full permission to break his finger
If he gently touches it, I don't think its a problem. Your laptop probably has an LCD (liquid crystal display). A lot of touch-screen displays (you have to press the screen to select options for example) are LCDs. Like this one:
They may have more protection since they are meant to be touched, but your taptop isn't made to be touched all the time.
Personally, I believe that you can touch it gently to wipe it with a cloth, but I wouldn't poke or press it too hard. When you press it, you see the liquid moving & that for me signifies that the less you thouch it the longer it's going to last. If you continually displace the crystals in the same spot, I believe that you can permanently cause an indentation (although I don't have anything to support this, it's just common sense for me).
I think that he should respect your things & he's just being stubborn. If something happens, you are probably going to be mad at him so you should prevent this in advance. Tell him something technical (the crystals, displacement, & indentation...etc) & say that you researched it online - that will probably get him to stop :P
ordinarily, i like it yet no longer something's appropriate. in the past this I had the HP T2z that's the predecessor of the TM2 sequence. i've got had it for a pair weeks now and theory i'd share my opinion. execs: - FN keys are first laptop purposes then F keys: i admire this option. I very hardly use function keys yet I do use the quantity / brightness / WLAN keys lots. This new keyboard format makes the function keys laptop purposes by ability of default. you're able to hit the FN key to apply F11, working example. however the instantaneous on/off is a sprint away. - reveal flips the two techniques: the T2z ought to easily rotate one way. This is going the two. - durable battery: with the instantaneous off and the reveal 0.5 remarkable i are growing to be to be 6+ hours out of the battery. - mild: staggering to have the burden down. Who desires to hold greater desirable pounds?
well i would recommend getting one of those huge cooking spoons by your side so that you would slap his hand everytime he does :) basically your laptop screen has liqiud crystal display and im quite sure that everytime he press his finger on it u see some wavey colors that soon disapears, but one of those days it might avtually not or take long time to do so. the older the screen the more risk your taking with it, so i would recommend quiting this habbit from now. do consider the spoon plz :) . Best of luck
You can't harm the screen unless you repeatedly apply pressure or do something stupid like use sharp objects or pens etc to touch it.
If he's using his finger the worst he could do (as long as he isn't pressing it hard) is leave dirty marks on-screen.