Can anyone tell me why my wipers are messing up?

i have a 1998 pontiac grand prix gt and just since it has gotten cold and snowy the wipers have gone crazy!! one will try to go one way and the other the other way!! they'll stop at the top of my windshield and not the bottom like they're supposed to. and the driver's side one stopped so it was hanging off my car yesterday!!
thanks!! also include how much $$ to fix it. thanks.

WOMBAT, Manliness Expert2007-02-18T07:12:44Z

Favorite Answer

There are two possibilities I can think of. 1. On some cars, the wipers are attached to the ends of the drive axles with a nut. Those nuts could be loose. If your mechanic charges you anything just to tighten them, do not pay him. 2. The spur gears on the end of the axles are stripped or have broken teeth. In this case your best bet will be either to replace the gears, or to simply replace the whole wiper module. this will maybe cost around $100-300$


with your wipers off try to move them down to the bottem of the windshieldif they move there should be a nut where they mount at the bottem of the windshield try to tighten this nut up it should be a 13mm nut goodluck

Mr. KnowItAll2007-02-18T15:04:46Z

You need new wiper arms.

Where the arms attach to the drive rod is stripped.

They're fairly easy to replace, and cost about $25. each.
A shop may charge you $30 to replace them.(labor)


u just need new wipers it dosent cost much maybee20 dollars if you have a auto zone by you they will install them free