question about endangered species and anthropology?
is the reason we have endangered species today because of natural selection?
would be interestedi n a few opinions.
is the reason we have endangered species today because of natural selection?
would be interestedi n a few opinions.
Favorite Answer
No endangered species is not dur to natural selection. Natural selection is the gradual loss of something because it is unsuited for the environment. In the case of endangered species, they are perfectly suited, it's just that essentially man kind has become a plague for alot of creatures. The concept of suddenly endangered species is more like a catastrophic loss of life. Not natural selection.
Some yes and some no. If a habitat simply changes as does happen pretty regularly in the history of the planet then yep that's natural selection. Either that species will rise to the challenge and some natural adaption in their genetic code will allow them to survive. If however humans destroy the habitat, or hunt them to extinction nope that's not natural selection. The fact that we are effecting the whole shebang brings it into question whether what is happening in some places due to us or actual natural selection. But we learned that things like Chernobyl are survivable. There are plants and animals there that are adapting to the radiation 10,000 times faster than we thought they could.