Does anyone else get violation notices for giving their opinions?

My opinions are not always good, But they're my opinions and I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinions. But why should I recieve a violation? Thats the same for the thumbs down. "gee, I don't think his car is nice because it blue, and I drive a red car" THUMBS DOWN is my vote.

Maybe be I didn't see a maturity level for this. Yahoo Answers should post more clearly that you must not be out of grade school to participate.


I got the violation for insulting someone. They said.
The asker said she dumped her bf cause he had genital herpes. I basically told her anyone can them pretty easy

This is my 2nd violation. first was for cursing I sais "as $"


I got the violation for insulting someone. They said.
The asker said she dumped her bf cause he had genital herpes. I basically told her anyone can them pretty easy

This is my 2nd violation. first was for cursing I said "as $"
Thanks for all the stars and support.


Favorite Answer

I agree with you dude

incidentally can I please ask EVERYONE to complain about Violations when they are not warranted.?
A lot of people have been deleted recently after working very hard to get up to a level where they can ask and answer unlimited.

If you get violated for something that is NOT even close to being offensive, please report it with the email header "harassment by another user" and state that you do not deserve this violation. Say that it is harassment and you want the matter investigated and the REPORTERS account suspended.

I will be reporting EVERY one from now on

Lets stop the mindless yobs destroying our work

Just one point though. If you deserve the Violation - take it on the chin !


Yup. Ive had like seven violations. Each time I took careful pain to respond and explain. It seems like a waste of mine and Yahoos time... Nothing happens. I've just been very careful what I ask and answer lately. That too is sad because most of us are just here to have fun and learn or to help someone else. Funny thing is 6 of the 7 times I did nothing wrong. I sometimes wonder if Yahoo doesn't just use an automated program for violations. A quote from Wikipedia: "Questions and answers can be reported by users as a breach of the guidelines. Yahoo! maintains that a customer care representative reviews each abuse report submitted by users.[12] This is disputed by some Yahoo! Answers users who claim that they received warnings about violations where the stated reason for the violation was inaccurate. Users have also complained about deletions of posts that were not in violation of the Yahoo! Terms of Service (TOS) or the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines.".


welcome to the Yahoo Answers Censorship Survivor's Club !!
It appears that honest and straightforward answers can be called violations if someone chooses to report you. It also appears that the Violation Police do not even look beyond the abuse reports to even verify that a violation has occured. Question askers can be the biggest idiots around and use sexual innuendo, threats of violence and outright lies but you can be the one reported for answering honestly or matter-of-factly. It's the nature of the beast I guess. I have certainly had my fill of the YAVP and have actually considered staying off of the site as a result.


Yeah, people just report other people if they disagree with them. What you got reported for is minor, and doesn't even violate the community guidelines, from what you've told me, so I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you. Everyone gets bogus violation notices. It's just a fact of using this forum.


The thumbs dont bother me it is when some reports me for abuse because they dont like my answer. Makes me wish I could remember who it was to see how they like it. But then I get over it and move on. The first time I was pretty upset and didnt want to come on here anymore, but I realized there are a lot of cool people on here and had to come back!

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