Why do Christian try to claim Albert Einstein wasn't an Atheists and Adolf Hitler wasn't a Christian?
Does some sort of political correctness get in the way of their honesty.
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Does some sort of political correctness get in the way of their honesty.
I Love the way I really shook the tree. Thanks for all the Apples.
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Because they cannot accept that such people were christian. They find it difficult to accept that a monster like hitler could be christian but tend to ignore all the other atrocities committed in the name of their religion. As for einstein, they feel that by declaring him christian, they undermine all his work.
Atheism. You know it makes sense.
The Truth
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Einstein was a Christian apparently! Hilarious, considering he was raised as a Jew and then rejected the idea of a personal god (which be definition makes him an atheist). Apparently some of his quotes make reference to God.... Unless you actually read what he says and understand that he uses the word 'god' to mean the logic and rules of the Universe - he quite clearly states that he does not believe in any personal god. And people have the nerve to post links to Wikipedia to prove he wasn't an atheist - where it clearly states he disbelieves in a personal god.
And Hitler... Well, he abandoned his faith before taking power. Except that there's zero evidence for this. Yes he made some anti-Christian remarks. But he made a lot more pro-Christian remarks - in private as well as in public. And much of his motivation and inspiration was from his religion. And apparently he was half-Jewish! How can you be half-religious? If a parent was Jewish, does that mean the child is? What a stupid idea!! And apparently Mein Kampf is proof that he wasn't a Christian, despite it having plenty of Christian statements - he claimed to be doing the 'Lord's work'.
Personally, I suspect he may have rejected Christianity. But almost certainly not before the war started. And it's impossible to be sure of his religious views. To be fair, though, his religious views are completely irrelevant. He was insane and misinterpreted pretty much everything he came into contact with. He could just as easily have been a devout member of any religion (or none) and he would have done the same, claiming to be doing the Lord's work...
They claim that Hitler wasn't a Christian because Hitler repeatedly denounced Christianity up one side and down the other, blaming it for all the ills of society, calling it the product of sick brains, insisting that it should rot and die, accusing it of disturbing the primordial utopia of the ancient world, etc. Hitler admired Christ in the same way that the atheists Neitzshe and Marx admired Christ - as a political revolutionary who fought against the established economic order. Hitler was a theist, no doubt about it - but if we call him a Christian, then we have to add a lot more venerable names to our list of Christians. Einstein was like a Roman Catholic priest compared to Hitler.
Einstein was ambiguous about his religious beliefs. He offered many quotes advocating a Deistic approach to religion, and other quotes advocating an atheistic approach. But I have not seen any quotes where he specifically identifies himself as an atheist (although they may very well exist).
Albert Einstein:
"I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are details."
Einstein did not believe in a personal God, but he did believe there was some form of higher power.
Adolf Hitler:
The way to tell if someone is truly a Christian, is defined in the Bible as kindness, charity, love and so forth - since he exhibited none of these, he obviously was not a Christian. Anyone can call themselves a Christian, it is their actions that prove it.
Dear Friend,
I am not sure about Albert Einstein, but Adolf Hitler was not a Christian.
Let us consider Jesus most profound teaching about the greatest commandment:
Matthew 22:The Greatest Commandment
34Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[b] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[c] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments
Hitler broke all of these commands, which means that he was most definately not a Christian. Many people claim to be things they are not.
God Bless