Is there a new Cell Phone law in Texas?

I went to a Cingular store today and I was told that as of March 1, 2007 Texas will enfore a new cell phone law. The rep said that you would be given a ticket if you were driving and talking on a hand-held cell phone. Has anyone heard about this? Is there a website that I can view that talks about the new law? I have talked to several people and no one has heard about this new law. I would hate to think that the Cingular rep was giving me wrong information.


Favorite Answer

"School bus drivers are prohibited from using cell phones when a passenger 17 and under is present."

"Drivers under 18 may not use a wireless handheld communication device in learner or intermediate stage."


There probably is. It is happening to lots of states in the US.

You can't drive or text or take pictures on your phone, while driving. That's the new law.