What is the best possible thing for Yahoo Answers to evolve into?

What do you get out of Yahoo Answers now, and what do you wish you could get out of it? It seems that some people use it as a social venue, while others use it to ask and answer questions. Neither is bad, I'm just curious about what most people get from it now and what they hope to get from it later on. (I'm not associated with Yahoo Answers in any way except that I'm a member!)


Favorite Answer

Yahoo!Answers encourages some of the behaviour they create rules to avoid by allowing so many answers and questions per day that people will invariably ask extremely (short) senseless questions, and provide extremely (short) senseless answers just to make their allowable quotas in the least possible amount of time. People will also chat no matter how many rules YA has against it because people want to make friends and chat. I get very little from it as a question and answer format except in that it allows me to see how others think and make an informed decision as to whether or not I'd like to have a chat with them ... LOL ... so I guess I'd have to give YA a "thumbs up" for providing me with a resource that lets me decide whether to think someone worthy of thumbs up or thumbs down.


It seems like theres no where else to go on Yahoo to get any answers! It would be nice if Yahoo could post some answers to these questions! I was frustrated trying to get into Literati for the past 2 days and posted a question here and got alot of good answers. I see alot of other people are wondering also!

Charlie Kicksass2007-02-25T20:21:18Z

I use YA to broaden my knowledge of people and to share what I know with those that actually are asking for help. This is a storehouse of knowledge with a high ratio of customer service reps to customers. I see published authors using it to poll the populace in researching their books, and the inexperienced, in subjects from computers to love, finding mentors. It is becoming an Interactive Encyclopedia.


I just googled myself