Extremly odd tax question?

I was thinking about creating an artificial spouse for a final project once I get into a 4 year for my senior project, personally I feel it would benefit those like me to whom which there are no mates for (asexuals) but have the basic (annoying) yearn for companionship.

I was seriously curious, say I actually get this done, and a full working prototype, they give married people tax deductions so would I get one if I built my spouse? What if I built my kids as well?

Yes, this is an ACTUAL question, I want ACTUAL answers, anything less with be reported.


Favorite Answer

No, there is no deduction for artificial spouses or children. Your dependents must be real, live , breathing people.


...and then you get busted for tax evasion. Not a pretty sight. Don't do it unless you like prison food.

sm bn2007-02-25T22:55:39Z

what you will get will be a virtual tax reduction which will in the end will put you in real jail