to tell ya the truth...........
Favorite Answer
Five kids on a muddy March day will cure that for you.
It "worked" for us lol
I can even loan out mine,
they are so good at it !
But they have to be back for Easter...Gramma is coming and I think she'd notice.
good luck
Bonus!! they come with their own big dog!!
If the grout has not been sealed, you could apply a grout stain, but if the job is done, and the sealer has been applied, the only way to darken the grout is to remove a layer with a "grout knife", which is available at any hardware store, and then re-grouting with the color you want, and re-sealing the grout.
The latter approach is time consuming and labor intensive, but it's doable!
George P
Depends on how much darker you want to go, but you could try re-grouting, but mix in some dye or stain color to the mix. Then, redo the grouting.
Its just the first thing that popped into my mind, and for the record, I never grouted anything before in my life.
Use a grout colorant or grout stain. Both should be available at Home Depot or Lowes.
There are grout colorants available. It's a brush-on thing that can be bought at most tile shops. Pick out the color and brush away. VERY tedious to do, but you should be happier.