Online Gaming Problem?

When I attempted to play a couple of first-person shooter games online (specifically Medal of Honor: Breakthrough and Battlefield 1942) but the multiplayer fails to show any other games currently being hosted online.

I have all of the PC requirements for the game (I have a 3 Gigahertz processor, 256 Megabyte video card, and 512 Megabytes of RAM, plus a hi-speed 500 Megabytes per second internet connection), and the games run fine on single player, so I don't think it's an issue with my hardware.

Is it an error with my version of the game (I tried going to GameSpy, where there were a great many people playing these games)? Is it because of my Firewall (which is set to allow communication by these games)? Or is it just that nobody is playing these anymore?

Basically, wy does the multiplayer screen come up empty, even after hitting refresh and waiting five minutes?


Favorite Answer

well i know that battlefield 1942 is basically dead (online) but i think that Medal of honor should have a couple of stragglers at least, it could be dead game, like i own a game called unreal 2 and its a newer title, but its a dead online game. some people dont find the rare online games like the ones u own fun... hope thats helps!