10 Point Shoe-In
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None. Religion is mans attempt to appease God.
Satan has us right where he wants us, debating over which religion is right, is God real, is satan or hell real, and trying to prove to others we are right, they are wrong. All this takes the focus off of the TRUTH. God doesn't want us to debate over religions - a tool satan uses to bring division among us. God wants a relationship with us, thru His Son who He sent to die for us, so that we can eternally live with Him in Heaven. Jesus is the ONLY God who came back to life in the flesh. No other god can make that claim. Let's not continue to divide into religions, but come together as the body of Christ with Christ at the Head. Debating with anger and hate is feeding into satan's plan. Love one another as Christ first loved us.
Um you KNOW that this question is too vague. Try asking "What religion is right for me" and jot down some things about yourself, your passions, desires, cares, et cetera. I would recommend Christianity, but that is because it is my religion. Lots of people of other religions will tell you that their religion is the solution. Your question is too vague and requires refinement.
Christianity is not a religion but is the only truth. The God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob is the only true God. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and the only way to God. He said "I am the way, the truth and the light, no man can come to the Father but through me." Get yourself a Bible (New King James Version or Amplified) and see for yourself.
The one that will get you to heaven by the shed Blood of The Lord Jesus Christ ........ 1 John 4 : 1 ..Beloved , believe not every spirit , but try the spirits whether they are of God : because many false prophets are gone out into the world