How is it that religion is looked at as being blind when science is just as bad if not worse than religion?

I was watching the press conference about the Jesus family Tomb. and I was caught by surprise when they mentioned the results of the probability of all of the names on the caskets, or whatever they called them, was something like 2,000,000 to 1 and based on that and other things they decided that they had found the actual tomb of Jesus of Nazareth.

Yet if you were to look at the statistical probability of things like the theory of evolution, and the big bang theory being accurate if you factor in all the variables then you are looking at billions or trillions or even more to 1 of a chance that things could have happened as they think it did.

How can they so quickly accept that they have found a unique tomb that could have a drastic effect on the Christian community? Yet they are so hesitant to even think of the idea that the theories that their colleagues have conceived of could be wrong. It seams to me that the scientists are going more off of faith than those who believe in God.


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Where do you get your information? Evolution is far more probable than you give it credit for, and give them a break with the Big Bang theory, at least they're trying to figure out how the world came into existence, and they do not instill blind faith into any one theory. They are all working theories that get revised as new information and research comes to light. The difference between scientific people and religious people is that scientific people look for answers, and proof, and religious people accept what they have been told as truth.


The people who put together and produced this program are not scientists. They are journalists. Static tics is a form of mathematics not science. The program has not even aired yet. Common sense will tell you that in order to prove whether or not the remains in the tomb are Jesus, they would have to have a sample of DNA from a descendants of Jesus' family and compare it to his. Obviously, there are no known descendants. Case closed. Use your brain. How did you ever make in through grade school?


Well, let me ask you a question. Why is it that you so readily accept an amazingly small number as the correct probability of evolution to be real? The probability that I will win the lottery is negligible ('very, very small'). Yet every time, someone wins.

I really think there should be something like a driver's license for statistics.


How can these scientific theories be wrong when the current evidence supports them? Creationists aren't exactly doing alot, I mean inventing fallacious statistics and arguments because they can't tell the difference between the big bang, abiogenesis and evolution isn't exactly contributing to science. Science has done more for humanity (curing disease, organ transplant) in the past 100 years than religion has in 1000 years.


Yes but a lot(most) of scientist disagree with the idea that this is Jesus's tomb so it isnt a valid question

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