Is it safe to eat raw nuts or do they always need to be roasted first?


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raw nuts, like all raw foods contain rich enzymes and beg to be eaten raw. I eat them all of the time. I like to sprout almonds for a few hours before eating them to release even more enzymes. Think about it like this-if you took a raw almond and planted it in the ground, it would grow. If you heated that same almond over 107 degrees it would kill off the enzymes needed to reproduce itself. If you eat foods in their raw form, they have the ability to digest themselves in the body, making it easier on your digestive system.


Depending on the nut, most do not need to be roasted. Not a safety issue, but, a taste issue. Peanuts are pretty bland unless roasted or boiled. Pecans, walnuts and most other nuts found in stores are straight from the tree. Many people toast nuts to bring out the oils and more flavor for certain recipes.


they are safe to eat raw nuts,but I do roast them first if I'm baking with nuts.


it is safe to eat raw nuts but better if you roasted them it Bering's out all the oil's when you do and they taste good


I know from my readings that it is better nutrition-wise to eat them raw. When I want to roast them for flavor I roast them lightly.

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