In Yahoo questions ,why are some answers given from a web site.?

I thought answers were given based on your own knowledge with out help from a web site .


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answers are answers. that is why there is a area to state your source so if you do use a website to back up your statement, then you have a place to give credit where credit is due.

also people sometimes want to see proof and not just 'what someone thinks they may know' its like writing a paper and showing your work to the teacher.

we are not all professionals... and sometimes we call on what we know from professionals (which could be found on websites) to back up what we do know as not to mess up information given to another user

others just copy and paste to gain points


I clicked Answer This Question, and, below the answer field is a field for Researching your answer -- either using Yahoo's search engine, or searching in Wikipedia.

The point of the site is for people to get answers to their questions; it's not like a test, where looking things up is cheating.

A lot of people feel it's important to provide sources, where the person who asked can verify it isn't just "made up" and can get more information, if they want it.

Many questions are actually asking for web sites. "Where can I find out about ...?" type questions.

So, no, there's nothing wrong with using the web (or any other source) to give people answers to their questions.

Abbey Road2007-03-07T16:27:21Z

Ok, you're right in some way, but frequently some users seem "unable" to look for something by themselves on the internet, or are just plain bored.
Take this question I found the other day for example, do you see any sense in the question "in what year was Leonardo Da Vinci born"??

In my opinion that question was posted for the pure desire of receiving hundreds of identical answers, not for gaining knowledge or information, anyone with access to the internet knows that just by typing the words "da vinci" in the google bar will have hundreds of pages about this man.

So, in short, some users ask questions which answers can be gotten from any internet search engine.


Some people might be trying to help you. If they have done a search and found a Link they will find it easy to give the URL of that Page than pasting all that appears in that page!

Having asked a Question one should show some interest in viewing the links to the Answers also.

J T2007-03-07T16:30:14Z

The answer to many of the questions asked can be found on a website, but in most of those, the asker does not know how to look it up. The person answering is merely doing the asker a favor by looking it up for him/her. It would be nice if everyone knew how to look things up, but they don't or, in some cases, they have tried but were not successful

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