dodge man
Favorite Answer
i own a repair shop,and yes you can ,it wont hurt a thing,in fact a lot of people do this ,some think it makes the cars run a lot better ,but i want swear to that one,but it doesn't hurt to mix it at all,all it does is boost the e-85 up a little,that's about it,good luck,i hope this helps.,,PS my truck wasn't made to run on e-85,and i use it as a booster,and i get better mileage from it now than i was getting,,just thought id add this ,good luck.
Ethanol Mixed With Gasoline
Yes, you can mix gasoline with E-85. E-85 is a blend of gasoline and ethanol. If your car is E-85 (commonly known as Flex Fuel) compatible then the engine's electronics are designed to recognize the fuel mixture and will adjust the settings to compensate.
If you were not able to mix E-85 and gasoline then your car would only be able to run off of one or the other, or you would have to drain your fuel tank every time you switched between them.
Brian D
If your car is designed for E85 (a flexfuel car) then yes. Anything in between E85 and E10 (that's what most gas is, 10% ethanol) works just fine. The computer adjusts.
If your car wasn't designed for E85, I would not use it unless you are in a true emergency situation and that's your only choice. E85 doesn't handle excess moisture like gasoline can, and "gas cars" fuel delivery systems are designed with plenty of parts that could be affected and corrode from the inside. Performance will stink because the computer isn't expecting it. Mileage will suffer.
E 85 Gasoline