How do you find your questions that others starred?

Please explain how you spot the ones that were starred because other people liked them...
I already know how to star them for others...


Favorite Answer

Hi Aspen! I think everyone hit the nail on the head. Really the only, mind you "current", way to see them is to just go to your profile page and list your questions, you'll see any and all stars on the list.

In your case, you only have a about 3 dozen questions, so you'll be able to see your stars pretty quickly. But imagine if you had asked a couple hundered questions or more!

It would be nice if Yahoo could add a sort feature to your question list to show "starred questions", maybe in order of highest number of stars first?

Good question.


The first answer is right, you have to look at your questions, at your profile page. In front of each question, there's a number, corresponding to the number of stars that were given to that particular question. The stars show in gray, they only show in yellow when it's you who starred other people's questions.

If you want to see who starred a question (yours or anyone's), click at that question, then click at the link "show who starred", below the link to add details. You will see the names and avatars of all people who starred that question. If you click at one avatar, you'll be taken to all the other questions that that person has starred.

Hope this helped! If there's anything else you would like to know, I'll be happy to help! :)


Go to your own profile.
Select your questions tab.
As you look down them you will see the little star with a number next to it (that number represents the number of stars each question has received).
Open your question and click on "Show who Starred" to see the name of individuals who starred your question.

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2007-03-13T11:58:02Z

You have to go back to your question list on your profile page and check in front of each question. The stars show up there.

Martha P2007-03-13T12:05:28Z

Go into My Profile, then into My Questions.

You will be able to find it as normally the ones with star have a Star lighted up.

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