Where can I find a list of paintball guns that are possible to run HPA stock. Or list them please...?
Currently I have a Gameface E-Rex Pro and am thinking about getting either a Spyder electra or another gun, I need to know if either are HPA or if there are others that are for around $250.
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Most if not all Paintball gun can use Hpa stock . Newer makers are made to use both Cos tanks and HPA (like the Spyder Electra)
every paintball gun can use an HPA tank. however not every paintball gun can use co2. this is because of the reg and o-rings etc..etc..
but 250 for a marker? hmm..if you're talking brand new? smart parts ion indian creek promaster kingman vs3 smart parts impulse evil omen 2.0 these are just a few off the top of my head those are ALL electro-pneumatic markers. i'm assuming you're not too savvy on the whole paintball thing. think about the super expensive 1500 paintball guns you see pro players use on tv. the one's i listed will shoot somewhat similar to those. the spyder you mentioned (like all spyders and tippmans) are blow-back guns that will shoot like a junk in comparison.