What kind of flowers could be considered "manly"?

If there is such a thing...

I know flowers in general are considered "feminine"... but lets say I wanted to put flowers in my husband's office. What kind of "manly" flowers should I choose?



Favorite Answer

Hawiian flowers (tropical) are what I have always used in Male Executive offices. Try the link below to get some ideas.


I'm a man and an avid gardener. I don't know what type of 'office' your husband has or how he would feel about flowers in it and what his clients might say about them.

I've given away willows, daffs, tulips and roses to women.

I've never had a male ask me for some flowers, even when they are free.

Any flowers are fine but if it would make him uncomfortable....don't do it.


B: A very nice, harmless, gentle, and misguided, as yet uneducated goofy person, who is, admittedly, far too into a preoccupation with things of a devilish nature in the way of the "red clothing pageantry" aspect of it


i think that just a single rose from you to your hubby is a nice wayto say you love him. i gave one to my hubby and it looks very nice on his desk . it is after all the thought that matters every time he looks at it he will think of you