Question for all Atheists --- Request for all Christians?

Would you please, accept my deepest apology, for the attitude I 'used' to have about Atheism and Evolution?

Some may be wondering: where did this sudden change come from?

Well, in all honestly from an article, which I literally finished reading; just before asking my question of Atheists and putting my request to Christians.

ALL CHRISTIANS ::: Please, do yourself a favor, read it.

Trust me, it will open your heart and mind to the pain that Atheists are made to go through everyday --- because of 'faith' being shoved down their throats!!

Why are churches doing this? Why are pastors, parents, grand-parents, other family and even friends "forcing Beliefs and Faith" on people? IF church members are responsible for driving people away, who do you think God 'should' hold accountable?
(The arrows at the bottom of the page do not work, the subject links to the left work fine.)

Jess H2007-03-17T07:30:34Z

Favorite Answer

Thank you.

I would never say that I don't think people should be free to worship as they see fit, and I think that they should have education in their religion available to them if they desire it. We just want religious education/beliefs kept SEPERATE from the rest of our education, and individual religious beliefs out of our laws.

Again, thank you for understanding that.


I didn't read the whole article - just skimmed it, but I don't feel you need give a deep apology, though I will accept it.

The people that force beliefs on their loved ones and others do this because 1) that is what was done to them 2) they feel strongly about it. Not to disagree, but its' the same thing with all our social norms. You are not getting mad at anyone who forces the belief that 'stealing is wrong' on society - so why do it in regards to religion?

I don't think it's right to baptize someone without them choosing to have it done. I do think the students should have to take a theology class and get taught about the Bible and the 1000 other religions out there. They don't need to be taught that this is the core truth, but the concept should be introduced to them. Being a high achiever in school, I found it very difficult to compete and engage in conversations when it came to a lot of literature, because the language would be the same as that found in the Bible, and/or references would reflect biblical times and stuff - I had no knowledge of this stuff and often felt left out or dumb.


Having some time on my hands this morning, I've just read it too. Yes, it is sad, and I've heard this many times in my Christian life, and many times this has happened to kids who had to go to a Catholic school. Who made him go? My guess would be his parents. These schools are out there, and parents are the ones who choose to put their kids in them. God didn't choose it, the parents did...This was not a church or a pastor-this was a school and I've heard this many times....especially the Catholic students......
I've been a Christian for 24 years and love the Lord. As a Christian I know that being a atheist and believing in evolution is not the way of Jesus. Knowing this and having a "attitude" about it are different.
Be careful that you don't throw what you believe away, because of your understanding on how people arrive to where they are spiritually. Sometimes this can be just heartbreaking, I hear it alot because my husband is a Preacher.
You can be understanding of someone else's way, but stand your ground with what you believe and don't be swayed away from it. If you can be easily persuaded to change your mind about creation, then a closer look to what you believe may be necessary. Understanding is fine, but keep your beliefs at the same time, I hope this makes sense.......

Scabius Fretful2007-03-17T05:51:50Z

I read what was at that website and I sympathize with your attitude, and that's your choice. I have been a Christian for many years, and I was never forced or browbeaten into it. I must honestly point out that "Christians" who try and force or browbeat people into accepting Jesus are, in my experience, very much in the minority. In my dealings with non-Christians I have always used the freedom of choice approach - even Jesus used that approach. What happens to anyone in the line of receiving a reward of eternal life or second death is based entirely on freedom of choice - it's all a matter of "take it or leave it." If you took the time to read my answer, I thank you most humbly.


'faith shoved down their throats' very true. Being an intelligent person i have realised all of this anti atheist stuff before. The Church 'forces' people to believe in God and Jesus because they have the right to. I'm not saying that the church is above the law, I mean the church is historically above the law and it is quite powerful. The church is used to everyone being Christian and if they aren't then they are used to converting them.

Forcing faith and belifs on someone is wrong but in the eyes of the church it appears not to be (to an extent). Oh and don't blame the church members for driving people away, Atheists chose (by themselves) to not participate in religious affairs. lack in intelligence could also be blamed for the rise in Atheism... you see everyone seems to think that these crazy christians believe that this magical supreme being created the world in 7 days. Smart Christians know that the bible is a bunch of stories put together (most fake, some historical preachings) to create rules and regulations of which people can live by, It determines what is right and wrong. Alot of the Western world's culture revolves around this religion (dates, laws etc.) sure the bible is chinese whispers (translated from aramaic to greek to roman to english quite poorly) but it controlls our lives now. You don't have to believe in God to follow the guidelines of Christianity, in fact it's better to do what I do take an apathetic point of view to it. Just don't talk about it/ don't make a big deal about it. And for me being christian is also easier because it avoids critisism, if someone asks your religion say christian and they will shut up :P. oh by the way Baptists believe every word of the bible is true (be wary).

heres something else to think about, its from a book about agnosticism (thats atheist but you will believe in a God if it presents itself to you). If a person knows (somehow) that a teapot is floating around pluto but sadly no sattelites or giant telescopes can see it, that person would be critisised and forced to see a shrink. But if it were taught in churches, if western culture was based around a teapot floating around pluto it would be acceptable (freaky aye?). Now in a Christian finale I would say to that statement (because we are extremely defensive apparently) that agnostic people worship a teapot :P. enjoy life, for as long as you can.

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