What are some hobbies that people can have?

I'm looking for a hobby. It needs to be very cheap (preferably something that would not require me to spend money), and it needs to be something I can do at home. About the only thing I am interested in right now is sports. However, I'm getting kind of bored with just playing, watching, eating, sleeping, etc. sports all the time. Any help with other hobby ideas would be appreciated.


I play enough video games...

I'm looking for a NON-SPORT RELATED hobby please. Anyone who can help please do.


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It would depend on what your interests are. There is knitting, crocheting, All kinds of needle work, there is Origami (paper folding), making models, wood crafting, clay, scrap-booking, rubber stamping, whittling. Wander through a local hobby shop or craft store and see what catches you attention. If it looks interesting try it. Some will require you to make a small purchase, but if you keep an eye out for the sales, it doesn't have to cost a lot. If you like detail work, try whittling. All you would need to purchase would be the knives to do it and instructions. If there is any dead wood lying around you have your project. You could also try painting on rocks. the paint and brushes aren't too expensive.


Hey all who said video games, I'm not the asker, but, He said he plays enough video games! I suggest try model railroading. Find a free model railroad club to join. If you live near Chadwick, Illinois, go there and look for the local hobby shop. It's a large brick building, and it's near the railroad tracks. They have a HUGE layout set up. Nearly 2 miles (i think) of track. All in the basement. But there are dues which go to the building. It's completly fine. Just a little idea.


I would say get some tea ready and a good book then just relax.Or find some good computer games,work out,clean see theres a couple ideas for ya.


Go to youtube.com
and watch the videos on card magic tricks
they have hundreds up there & its a lot of fun
Not so much sports , but even more impressive
Look one up ,& you'll see


well i have many hobbies, so do cost a little, but it something i like,, for to name a few,, huntting, fishing,, carveing,, ,makeing web band, an frienship rings,,, toys, old toyes,,, knives, guns,,,, an the best of all makeing new friends

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