British HP Sauce. Is it like A.1. Sauce in the USA?

I read a story about something called HP Sauce that is sold in Britain. Is this like A.1. steak sauce or what would be a close approximation to what it is? This is supposedly something put on fried breakfasts.

Desi Chef2007-03-17T11:28:20Z

Favorite Answer

It's the same, read the history. Apparently Heinz bought it over and kept the same name (HP Sauce in the UK) and bottled it as A1 here in the US.


H-P and A-1 are similar but not the same.....They are both Steak Sauce's..You can put them on anything you like.... In the same catagory as Worcestershire sauce..........


HP sauce is better.

Julia Sugarbaker2007-03-17T07:46:14Z

It's somewhere between that and Heinz 57 sauce. It's really good on sausages.


Same purpose for both: To mask the yummy taste of steak.

I'd rather taste the steak.

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