As of April 1st Shane Mosley will be Oscar De La Hoyas Sparring Partner, Will This Really Change Things?

Shane is going to Puerto Rico to spar with the Golden Boy. How do you think this can help or hurt Oscar? Is this a wise move considering that Shane wants to fight Floyd too and wouldn't it hurt those chances if Oscar were to win?


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I think this is more of a business move. It has a lot to do with these two being partners in Golden Boy Promotions. It's generated some publicity hasn't it? Even if it's only with us hardcore fans. I think it can only help De La Hoya. How many times does a man get the opportunity to spar with a world class fighter to help prepare them for a big title fight? Mosley will get his shot at Mayweather either way, unless Floyd loses and becomes a crybaby and says I'll never fight again because I didn't get a fair shake in the De La Hoya fight. Folks don't be surprised if this is what happens if Mayweather loses and doesn't lose by KO.

addition - yes these two have fought, Mosley winning twice, but sparring is different from fighting. In sparring your working on specifics moves or tactics you want to bring into the fight.


I don't see this arrangement hurting Oscar at all. This would actually help him, in fact. You see, when Oscar and Shane fought several years ago, twice, Oscar had his share of troubles that he was not able to overcome. He had trouble of Shane's speed. I see Mosley as the perfect sparring partner for the Golden Bot right now. Shane and Floyd have almost equal speed. This will enable Oscar to devise a strategy on how to outpoint Mayweather. It will also give Oscar some answers as to what went wrong between he and Mosley in their bouts.
I this would greatly increase the chances of Oscar to win the fight itself. He also has a trainer who may develop his all-around game. I feel now that "The World Awaits" event will be closer than you think.

GIL M2007-03-18T09:36:24Z

Shane and Oscar have been friends since they were both coming up the ranks as amateur fighers in LA.

Shane can help Oscar get accustomed to Mayweather's speed since he is one of the quicker fighters in the division. this is definitely a good thing for Oscar.

I still say it, there is no way in hell Mayweather knocks Oscar out at that weight.


get one thing straight...Shane is helping out his assets...he is also a part of golden boy productions...and Oscar couldn't beat Shane because of his natural speed (Shane has since moved down where he belongs, in welterweights) and later in both fights was flat out beating O to the punch inside and outside...Oscar will revert to what he knows after getting pockmarked the first five or six rounds...and that will be to try to muscle Floyd...who will be circling out and away from Oscar's left hook at the end of exchanges...look for Oscar to lose to Floyd on a unanimous decision then for both of them to retire...after this there will be no more big money fights out there for either of them...Floyd is not some heavy bag with no boxing skills like the Mayorga Oscar got to fight for a title, a taylor made setup...


It will get Oscar ready for the whupping he's about to receive. After Mosely embarrasses on a daily basis, Oscar won't feel as embarrassed when the big day comes.

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