How far along are you and how much weight have you gained?

I am 16 weeks and 5 days and I have already gained 19lbs. This seems like waaay too much. Just wanted to see what you other ladies are averaging.
(Started at 150 and now at 169)


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I lost 7 pounds during my first trimester (really really bad morning sickness). I am now 15 pounds heavier than my prepregnancy weight, which means that since the end of my first trimester, I've gained 22 pounds (I was so excited to be able to eat again!)

I'm 25 weeks pregnant currently.

Lindsay M2007-03-23T08:19:55Z

I am 31 weeks and I have gained 28 lbs. I'm gaining a little more with this baby then my first, but when I lost my baby weight before, I actually went below my starting weight. I figure if I only start at 108, I probably need to gain a good 35 lbs, so I'm not worried at all.


11 weeks and 5 days I have not been on the scale this week so this is just a guess but i would say 7-10 lbs. I am a big girl to begin with and I quit smoking so not all of the weight gain is from being pregnant.


Just keep in mind that every woman is completely different, and as long as you are eating healthy, getting plenty of water, and your doctor isn't alarmed, then there's no real reason to worry. That being said first, I'm a petite girl (5'1" and about 110 pre-pregnancy) and just entered my 30th week. I've only gained about 20 pounds (my next appointment is on Monday so I can't give you the exact number yet), all in the belly area. People keep telling me I'm hiding a basketball under my shirt. I wish the rest of me would bulk up a bit because when I wear long sleeved shirts, my arms look like twigs! I resemble a bloated Ethiopian at this point, lol.


The statistics say the average weight gain is 25-30lbs. But I was 135 before I got pregnant and now at 38 weeks I weigh 176 lbs so I've gained 41 lbs. If you are concerned about your weight gain talk to your ob/gyn and they can tell you what is normal for you and your pregnancy. Good Luck and Congratulations!

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