Is anyone else disgusted with this?

Look at what this guy is selling on E-bay! 'Apparently' all these birds have just dropped dead for no apparent reason.

Is anyone else bothered by this?


Yeah, how can they prove these aren't wild birds? There are no legs, so you can't check them for bands either


Favorite Answer

It is disgusting and I suggest that you file a grievance with E-bay as will I.



Hi there. We really don't know the whole story. People mount the heads of mammals all the time on walls and these were killed just for that purpose. Perhaps these birds died from natural causes and his friend knew he needed help with paying for his medications.The birds are worth much more alive after all. They died of something. We all will. There is always a story unknown. When was the last time any of you helped out a stranger in desperate need? I didn't think so.


It is disturbing to me personally.

He claims he gets the animals deceased from multiple breeders/places and then sells them to science teachers and museums.

I have to question it ethically though.

If that is the case why is it up on Ebay, where anyone can purchase these things?

Luckily, I also found this:

Ebay Seller Policies:

Stuffed Birds: With a few specific exceptions, mounted ("stuffed") specimens of any wild birds, parts of any wild bird, or the nests or eggs of any wild bird are not permitted on eBay. Exceptions:

Mounted specimens of captive-bred, properly marked Mallard ducks may be sold if the seller clearly states in the item description that the specimen was captive bred. No other captive-bred native waterfowl species may be sold without permits obtained from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Sale or barter of legally hunted wild waterfowl and migratory game birds, including (but not limited to) ducks, geese, snipe, woodcock, cranes, and doves, is prohibited by federal law.

Mounted specimens or parts of legally hunted upland game birds, which include quail, turkey, pheasant, and grouse, may generally be listed on eBay if not listed or sold in violation of the state wildlife laws of the states of the buyer or seller.

Mounted specimens, feathers, and eggs of captive-bred, non-endangered non-native birds such as ostriches, emus, exotic pheasants, Mandarin ducks, guinea fowl, peafowl, and most parrots may be listed on eBay if not listed or sold in violation of state or local laws applicable to the buyer or seller.

It looks like you can report this guy for going against Ebay's policy.
Good luck and I hope this helps!


OMG! That is disgusting. I'm sure Native Americans and science teachers aren't going to use parrot feathers in their ceremonies/classrooms! I'm pretty sure parrots are not a native species to the U.S. and would not be used in any sacred ceremonies.

What is this guy thinking....hmmmmmm....dead birds....I'll just snip off their wings and sell them on ebay. What a great idea!


SUSAN W2007-03-23T17:38:15Z

That is really disturbing!!

After a few complaints, as long as its against ebays policy the auctions will be removed. There pretty good at closing those kind of listings.

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