Tarot cards in the heating vents???

When we moved in our house my husband we cleaning the heating vents with a vacummn and found tarots cards in each one! The house all ready has a ghost! (that's another story) But what does the tarot cards in vents mean??


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hmmm, well depending on which cards you found (each card having its own symbolic meaning), it could translate into several things. but here is my though on it...

If there is a spirit and you are aware of it, the previous owner was also probably aware of it as well. Its hard to say what that person was thinking, but Tarot cards can be used in several forms of pagan rituals. The previous owner probably used them as wards to persuade the spirit to leave or subside.

I know you said it was another story but I would remove those cards and pitch them, tear them up if it makes you feel better, and do something else to ease the presence of a spirit. Prayer and a little bit of salt sprinkled in the areas where the spirit can be most felt are usually enough...also try lighting candles to relax the atmosphere if possible. Hey, who doesn't need a little relaxation, right?


I've know some people who use Tarot cards as protection. So, if your house already had a ghost, maybe the Tarot cards were put there to protect the house from any unwanted, supernatural beings.

Cat's Eye Angie2007-03-24T01:13:12Z

According to my husband, that they are using them as a form of protection, to either keep something in or out.


Somebody was playing head games. How many and which cards?


Hmmm...can you say "unsupervised toddler"?