this is an sms somebody sent but i dont know the answer.please help me?

this is going to make you so mad... there are three words in english languagethat end in"GRY".One is angry and the other is hungry.everyone knoes what the third one means and what it stands for..everyone uses them everyday and if u listened carefully,I've given u the third word.What is it? -----gry?If you answer this you will be the best of All


no no its not was "GRY"...surely not GREE..just like angry and hungry


please answer me seriously..i have a bet on it...its not 'gree' or 'the english language'


Favorite Answer says that there are three letters in THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. what is the third word. all that other crap about gry and stuff doesn't matter.

Katie S2007-03-25T13:51:08Z

ITS THE WORD gry. There is no other common word ending in "-gry", so how did the puzzle come about? It first appeared in print in 1975.

Perhaps the answer to the original version of the puzzle was meagry or aggry (as in "aggry bead"). There are over 100 obsolete words that end in "-gry", and these two were in use until fairly recently. However, since there is no longer a real answer to this, modern versions of the puzzle have turned from being puzzles to being riddles. There are perhaps as many as a dozen versions in circulation - each with a different answer!


AGREE, you did the riddle wrong its three words in the Eng Lang that end in (GREE) gry


Yes, there ARE three words in "the english language"


you missed the word "the"

its supposed to be 3 words in THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE

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