please answer this?

This is an sms somebody sent but i dont know the answer.please help me?
this is going to make you so mad... there are three words in english language that end in"GRY".One is angry and the other is hungry.everyone knoes what the third one means and what it stands for..everyone uses them everyday and if u listened carefully,I've given u the third word.What is it? -----gry?If you answer this you will be the best of All
please answer it seriously...its not "GREE"...its "-----GRY"....and its also not "THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE"...its some word that ends with" ---GRY"


Favorite Answer

there are too many versions and different answers to this riddle:

Alex V2007-03-25T13:44:00Z

the way that riddle is read it is impossible...the real riddle goes, "Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is"

so the third word is language...the GRY thing is just a trick to distract u.


Answer: "language".
Or "Gry"...Gry is a is a measure equal to one tenth of a line.


I reply first, and if the answering makes me consider or makes my day, then I'll megastar. I is choosy of me, sorry. o.o But this fashion I come to be pointing my enthusiasts and contacts to the *well stuff* you already know? ^__^ Or no less than I attempt to. But have a celebrity besides only for being sufferer and know-how. ^_^



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