My dad's having, what I believe to be withdrawal from Zyprexa..anxiety, insomnia, etc.drs. say there are none
he has no appetite, dry mouth, trouble swallowing, inability to concentrate, fear. He is 85 yrs. old and my mother passed away 4 yrs. ago so he is on Cymbalta as an antidepressant and they put him on Zyprexa also (he spoke of feeling my mother's presence during the nite). He had all the symptoms of "bad side effects" when them upped the meds from 2.5 to 5. My father is scared and the drs. are very shallow and empty of feeling. He's scared to death to be hospitilized but we will get him there with extra Clonazopam.
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He could also be suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia. He should not be given extra Clonazopam. That's a tranquilizer and it depresses your body. Meaning it slows EVERYTHING down and he could go into respiratory distress from that.
Get him another doctor if you don't like the ones he's got. You should never be scared with your doctors.
My Mom says she sees my father since he has passed on also.The clonazapam was very helpful for me. I take trazodone for sleep.(it's cheap) It's also used for people during the day. I believe it was originally an antidepressant but works well for better sleep patterns. Zxprexa sucks. Sleep deprivation can trigger other problems uno. The fear of dying seems to be the biggest problem.Death is more like a metamorphosis and being reborn. Behold, I shall make all things new again etc.
Trust your instincts on this and get him professional care right away. Stop looking for agreement when you already know what is right. Get the best referral you can find if you're unhappy with previous practitioners.
Hey I take Zyprexa and have a hard time swallowing my loved one took me to the emergency room yesterday and they did X-rays of my throat and gave me some medication for the side effects. I suggest you take them it can be very serious the muscles in his throat could be swollen I suggest you take him to the emergency room as soon as possible or to your family physician. Best of luck! :)