What's the most difficult thing..?

you have had to face this year?


The reason I have been absent from Answers is because I have been with my sister. My brother in law is dying of cancer. My sister and I will become widows at the same age, only a few years apart from losing our spouses.

psst.... its me2007-03-26T19:42:23Z

Favorite Answer

im so sorry about the pain in your lives. death is so painful. im still trying to get over the death of my grandson. it has been the hardest thing this family has ever faced. i hope you and your sis can really be there for each other. a support system.


I have a terminal illness and the disease part hurts and wears me down and out.
I am going in to hospital next month for colostomy because of growth and G I bleed...
I am not angry.
I am not sad.
I blame no one...

And Tek, God Bless you and your sister. May she find the strength to get through all of her pain and agony with yours and God's help. God did not do this...man does this to man with our chemicals etc. I will pray for your sister and I know you will do your best to comfort her! Bless!

The Nana of Nana's2007-03-26T19:40:31Z

I am so sorry for your sister and your entire family. Losing loved ones is very difficult. I lost a cousin about a month ago and a lifelong friend just a day later. God bless you and yours!


I am so very sorry Tek!
My Aunt is 92 years old, had a good life and has been a shining star in my life.
It's hard to let go. We found out that she has cancer.


I'm sorry to hear that Tek. I missed you. the most difficult thing thus far, nothing like what you are going through, but I totaled my car and it was my fault and the other person I hit got hurt, but she will be OK. sooooo glad you're back :)

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