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All thoughts are creative. Get it?
If there were no doubt in us, why would we need faith? We'd all be little robotties running around believing because that's what the program said to do. In deed, in the end times, it will be a good thing to doubt some things. Satan's going to be given the power to "deceive even the elect." Feel free to doubt; overcoming that doubt will make your belief and your faith stronger. Jesus didn't punish to criticize Thomas for doubthing, although He did proclaim a blessing on those "who have not seen and yet believe." Just don't overlook the truth whlie you're doing all that doubting.
You know, when you're in doubt, you're just being human. The Lord knew we would have doubts, that we would even doubt Him. Doubting Thomas, was an example of our "humaness" Look how many times Jesus said "FEAR NOT"
Scripture says that "anything apart from faith, is sin", in other places it explains that if you believe in your heart that something is right and you know what is good to do, and yet doubt in your heart, and do it anyway, it's sin. It's when you doubt God, Himself, doubt His Word, or His Ways, or like in "Thomas'" sake, he doubted that Jesus was real, that He had risen-from the dead- just like He said He would do- doubting, Him, asking for proof! Once he seen for himself, and felt the holes in Jesus' Hands, He believed, he fell to the ground and worshipped Him. While others who were there, believed Jesus from the beginning. They all rejoiced together!
People questioned Jesus- saying to Him-"Are you the Son of God! Are you who they say you are??" many times.
Another word for doubt in ROGETS Thesaurus, is" uncertainty" If you're not sure about something, whether it is right and good to do, check it out first..Look it up. Find out what the Lord says about it, pray about it when you're in doubt, ask the lord to help you. He IS " the Way, the Life, and the Truth!" And most of, have faith, and trust Him completely!
Well, Thomas doubted when there was no reason to doubt. He should have trusted the Apostles when they told him Jesus was alive. However, Jesus still loved him but He did say Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe. Try not to doubt.
The_Cricket: Thinking Pink!
Of course. The Gospels show that Jesus LOVED Thomas, and had mercy on him.
I'm a doubting Thomas, myself.