where can u purchase kaolin clay to use on face?


i was hoping i can find some at retail stores, not online? =T.... i also saw there was 100% kaolin Baby Powder.. anyone know where to find that?


Favorite Answer

You can try a local health food store that carries beauty products or a larger store like Whole foods.

I did a search on Yahoo! Shopping for kaolin clay & found some online sources. Here's the link: http://shopping.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Ai6No7Z3hWOIr98W8qsgLdgbFt0A;_ylu=X3oDMTBhNjRqazhxBHNlYwNzZWFyY2g-?p=kaolin+clay&did=&x=30&y=5

I also did a search for French clay which also makes a good face mask & found the following:

Beauty without Cruelty's Purifying Facial Mask has both types of clay & works well. (http://www.beautywithoutcruelty.com)