What are the pharmaceutical applications of scp?
SCPs may include algae and fungi
SCPs may include algae and fungi
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SCP is the name given to a variety of microbial products, that are produced by fermentation. When properly produced, this materials make satisfactory proteinaceous ingredients for animal feed or human food. The production of protein from hydrocarbon wastes of the petroleum industry is the most recent microbiological industry.Yeast, fungi, bacteria, and algae are grown on hydrocarbon wastes, and cells are harvested as sources of protein. It has been calculated that 100 lbs of yeast will produce 250 tons of proteins in 24 hours, whereas a 1000 lbs steer will synthesize only 1lb of protein 24 hours and this after consuming 12 to 20 lbs of plant proteins. Similar, algae grown in ponds can produce 20 tons (dry weight) of protein, per acre, per year