i cant make choice between malaysia and turkey, which one should i visit for vacation?
Even i am thinking of philipinnes too. I am so confused. please help
Even i am thinking of philipinnes too. I am so confused. please help
Favorite Answer
Turkey would probably be a better choice. Both Malaysia and Turkey have strong selling points, as well as drawbacks, as does practically every place on earth. One needs to consider the form of government in place. While both are Muslim countries, Turkey is MUCH more westernized, and liberal with their laws. Malaysia is much stricter with laws (clothing requirements, especially for women, alcohol, etc). It all depends on what you wish to do while on vacation. A good site to check out is http://wikitravel.org/en/Turkey or http://wikitravel.org/en/Malaysia
Both articles provide excellent info on these countries.
Whichever you choose, stay safe, and have a great time!
I liked them both but it depends on what you want to do, how long you plan to stay, where you are travelling from and how many hours you want to travel for etc.
Malaysia has fantastic old colonial buildings, lovely churches, museums & forts, wonderful tea plantations, rainforest, mountains to climb, great beaches.
Turkey has a fantastic museum/palace in Istanbul plus the wonderful mosques and bazaar there, the calcium formations at Pammukale, the fairy houses of Cappadocia, the stone heads at Nemrut Dag plus great beaches and ruins along the south coast.
VNviptour Travel
how are you today? I can send to you 01 choice that is vietnam and Indochina because everything very chip,many view nice .....please you can visit www.vnviptour.com
how about the greatest country in the world, the USA!