What is your opinion of NASCAR's rule giving the top 35 in owners points a guaranteed "in" on race day?

I personally just think that this is wrong, and I want to hear your opinions on whether it is right or wrong, and what you would do to fix the problem if you think it is wrong.


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There is so bad information in some of these responses. The top 35 in owner points qualify no matter what. there are only 8 places for drivers to qualify. And of the 8, if a driver has provisionals to use, then it will reduce that number if they did not qualify. If 75 drivers try to qualify, the top 35 in owners points will get a spot in the race even if the other 40 cars are faster. The rule needs to be discarded and each race should be raced in by qualifying. This will help out the smaller race teams and encouarge diversity. Until Nascar gets its act together, this will still be a "private country club" with the new teams and drivers being the caddies and grounds keepers.


I understand the logic; they want the best drivers/sponsors in the races, but it is absolutely wrong. It is much more fair that the 43 fastest get a chance to race for the win each weekend. It would make the Chase a lot more interesting if the top contenders had to qualify and then race well. Maybe NASCAR should have a points system for qualifying - more extensive then in the past, when points were handed out - and then make it "the fastest get on the grid," and get additional points.


It sucks.
35 free passes.
The fastest 43 should race,oh no one of the golden boys may not make it,oh well try next week.
Get rid of the top 35 and the provisionals.Get back to the best 43 for the event.
Well so - in-so had a flat quailifing sorry see ya next week.But joe blow has no sponsor and only tried to quailify 1 time and he is in and super star had a problem,sorry see ya next week.
This top 35 and provisional "manure" has made the races a reality soap opera.You know who is going to race every week.You know that the same 4 or 5 will go home every week.Get back to the "man's" form of the sport.You quailify in the fastest 43 or go home.
That's all I have to say about that.

Big Rick2007-04-02T11:50:24Z

I agree with you completely, I believe you either make the race or you don't. Like the past champions provisional, I think maybe let them have a few free passes but I don't think there's a limit on the owners points thing. Owners points is how Kyle Petty makes a lot of the races.


You don't get the top 35 an automatic in it's the top 8 in owner's points. Anyone can qualify for the race as long as they are the top 35 fastest. the final eight spots go to the top owner's in order to keep point contenders in races if they has a poor showing in qualifying (everyone has a bad day)

If your were leading the points and wrecked during qualifiying it's only fair you still were able to race

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