NASCAR has made so many rule changes over the last few years. What is your opinion on some of these rules?

What rules would you add/ remove/ change? Why?

Alicia E2007-04-02T02:38:16Z

Favorite Answer

I hate the top 35 rule. If you can't make it then you can't make it plain and simple. Just because you are in the top 35 doesn't make you better than the other guys. Great drivers like Brian Vickers have to miss races just because they aren't in the top 35. So stupid!!!


Remove some restrictions/rules, and you have people complaining that things arent safe/unfair/no good. Add them in, and people complain that they want the old days of NASCAR. You can never satasify people.

Personally, I think everything is fine right now. The Lucky Dog/Caution rule was instituted so you wouldnt have some lapped car trying to get his lap back, or two cars racing for position plow into a wrecked car, and have a worse disaster. The Chase is allright, though NASCAR shouldnt mess with it too much, and with all the complaining about rules to even the playing field, if your a top tier team with lots of cash, and able to get the best money can buy, no matter what the rules, your still coming out on top.


Well, I don't like too many of them, I think the Chase is kinda stupid, they could have at least made it better by knocking a driver out of it every week. I also cannot stand that stupid lucky dog rule, I mean if a guy has a fast car, and is 1 lap down, you definitely would not let him get it back in the old days. Also I think they should let them race back under yellow. Only real thing I like is more points for the winner. Maybe they should add 5 points for the pole also.....


The chase,this is dumb.A consistant driver is the champ but we want the fans favorite so poof we have the chase.
Get rid of it.
The the top 35,drop it and provisionals.The fastest 43 make the race.
Get rid of it.
Get the cars from the factories.Let the Ford look like a Ford or a Chevy like a Chevy.Not the "decal" says Monte Carlo or Ford or Charger.
Get cars from the factories.
That's all I have to say about that.

I know, I know!!!!2007-04-01T20:22:38Z

I would remove all the rules. They are taking away the "sport" of it. I say whoever can build the best and fastest car should win. There are WAY too many restrictions. I like the way it used to be.

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