Why is it so hard to find and keep faith while it is so easy to loss it?

Could it be that the only faith some have is that of and in man instead of within them selfs?

Your thoughts?


Favorite Answer

Finite minds make for infinite questions.

Just when you think you've got something figured out, the truly open mind (whether Christian, atheist, or agnostic, or whatever), is confronted with some new element which could alter or even annul the foundation or a piece of it. Either you need more information to complete these new thoughts, or a new interpretation, or a new faith.

Doubt is just a sign that you're continuing to learn and staying at least a little open-minded.


Partially right. A persons belief and faith are the driving force behind his abilities and are housed within the same place at religious belief. The faith based belief in God is by far the more powerful because the faith in himself is weaker due to seeing man fail at least once at everything he does regardless of proof.