I didn't see the South Park Easter special. What happened?

People on here keep mentioning it, but I didn't get to see it because the show is not always appropriate for my little son. Would someone kindly give me the synopsis, please?

G L2007-04-06T15:12:16Z

Favorite Answer

answer three gave good details but the good part was they explained why the popes' hat is so weird. it was not meant for a human but a bunny and yes sir it did look right covering those bunny ears. and no way was it good for kids. ninja's killing guys dressed as bunnies and boiling them for bunny stew. and Jesus killing the pope with a ninja star
but the point of the bunny was at the end they asked it a question and it said nothing. and that is the way Jesus meant it to be. so the people could think for themselves and not have the church tell them what to think


They created a link b/w easter and the DaVinci code, using the same style as the book to portray South park's version of how easter started. It turns out jesus put St' Peter (a rabbit) in charge of catholocism and he was usurped by humans. Not a great episode in my opinion


I didn't see it either, but my boyfriend did. It sounds like it was pretty over-the-top!!

Stan wants to know the real reason kids have to decorate eggs for Easter, and what, if anything eggs and bunnies have to do with Jesus dying for his sins. To get to the bottom of it, Kyle and Stan get wrapped up in a bizarre society that guards a legendary secret.