what do you think about that?
orkin commercial,that is in the garden&landscape section ?
i agree i hope yahoo is listening,and put something else there.
orkin commercial,that is in the garden&landscape section ?
i agree i hope yahoo is listening,and put something else there.
Favorite Answer
It is seriously getting on my nerves. It makes me want to call them and tell them off, but of course that wouldn't help.
I have had to turn the volumn down when I am on the site. It is the most irritating noise that can be in my ears when I am trying to seriously answer a question. I am p.o."d at Yahoo for allowing this advertising here. I am, for the most part, an organic gardener. I am afraid alot of people will click on their ad and resort to poison instead of our good advice.
It is annoying and distracting. I, too, have to turn the volume off when I'm on this site. It is accomplishing one thing, however - it has turned me totally against ever purchasing this product.