How can I find my birth father without paying for the search?


Favorite Answer

If you would like to email me I will do the search for you right now. I will need his name, where he was born or lives and his age, and anything else you wish me to research for you. It will not cost you anything, believe it or not I just like to help people. Diane.


We can't fairly answer your question if you don't tell us how much information you already have on him. Do you know his name? Approximate age? Where he lived? Anything about his family or job? Were you an adoptee? Did he leave you and your mother before you were born? When you were little? Did both parents turn you over to the social welfare system or to an orphanage? When is the last time anyone heard from him? Is his name on your birth certificate or are you getting info from someone/somewhere else? How reliable is that source?

The more you share, the better the answer we can give you.


I wonder why you want to find him but don't think the project's worth your money?


just ask your Mom ! mothers always know whose baby they are bearing