What did you think of the Sopranos last night?

I personally was disappointed. We've waited 3 years for this and I thought last night was slow and tedious. Was I expecting too much or was it really that bad?
What do you think it was setting up?


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i also enjoyed it.
I think Bobby's going to busted for the hit...his dna will be all over his shirt where the guy ripped it.
I think Bobby will sing like a bird when they catch him, take the whole family down and he'll go into the witness protection plan.
I hate Janice so much.

Nik Nik2007-04-09T21:35:52Z

I liked it. I was waiting for the 3 yrs. old to be found in the lake after Tony and Carm told that story. But I could definitely see Bobby becoming resentful of Tony making him do something he did not want to. It seems Tony is making enemies all over the place. Will someone turn on him and rat him out to the Feds?