Can USPS hold packages for me?

Is it possible to have USPS hold the packages for me instead of delivering it to my address? USPS has a bad reputation of leaving items on my doorsteps, and then having it never seen from again.


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Call the PO and ask your Letter Carrier to mark your parcel as left notice instead of delivering it. You will receive a peach slip and can pick up your package within the next 14 days. Any smart Carrier is going to see the inherent wisdom in your request. You can even make it a standing order that the Letter Carrier not leave parcels at your address, but then you will have to pick them all up.


Usps Hold


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Can USPS hold packages for me?
Is it possible to have USPS hold the packages for me instead of delivering it to my address? USPS has a bad reputation of leaving items on my doorsteps, and then having it never seen from again.


usps hold packages


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Find out the shipping company options on the website you are going to buy. Then contact the shipper they use to find out how to ship for a 'station hold'. This allows you to go pick up the item rather than have it delivered to your door. They will give you the address to use for a station hold. Place that on your ship to address and use your home address as the bill to address to match the credit card for approval.

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