Does Texas Law use a "new" spouses income to increase child support?

If my husband is taken back to court for a child support modification, will they use my income to determine an increase in support? If we have to fill out a financial information statement, do we include our combined expenses and income? We have a 2 and 5 year old that he watches and he is under Doctor's care for stage 2 Hypertension, so he only works part-time. We are also expecting to have a baby within the next year. My husband actually makes less than when the original child support payment was determined. I understand that a judge won't usually change support unless there is a 20% and/or $100 difference from the original support.


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in texas it does nto matter how much you or anyone is makeing it is his responsibility to help maintain the welfare of the child period


I think that when you file your taxes, do so by "married filing separately" so as to make sure that your income isn't taken into consideration.

Actually it might not be a bad idea to consult an attorney for the answer to this question, as well as other options you may have.


frequently no longer except there are extraordinary circumstances. we could say hubby manages to tutor an earnings of purely $10,000 yet his better half makes $60,000. Then, there may well be some allocation. frequently nonetheless, it won't by fact the toddlers are not the financial duty of the hot better half. they are the financial duty of you and your exhusbands...


I don't know about Texas, but New York does.


Yes been there done that