5-1/2 months pregnant, what is a good comeback when people tell you how huge you are?

I am 5.5 months pregnant and I am obviously showing. My Grandpa and others think it is cute to tell me how huge I am every time I see them. What is a good comeback that will make them get the hint?
I'm not taking it too personally so far, but it's really starting to get on my nerves. Thanks in advance!


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tell them that you may be "huge" but in 3 1/2 months your weight will be gone and ask them what their excuse will be!


I hate that! I remember I wore a purple suit to work and a co-worker yelled down the hall, "Look here comes Barney!" I was just really annoyed, so I know how you feel. This lady kept making comments about how HUGE I was, which I was, but still it is such a emotional time, being pregnant. I finally told her, I was really conscious about my weight gain and it hurt my feelings. She stopped. Maybe you can do the same with these people making comments. Or don't respond at all. You know how children misbehave to get attention and you're told to ignore them. Soon enough, they will stop. Do the same thing in this situation.


ya well it's normal to be a fat @ss while pregnant What's your excuse, maby you should have cut down on all of those hamburgers and sausages. Oh and whats with all the wrinkles and grey hair. OH... I see you suffer from rapid ageing. Too bad theres no cure for that but in a few months I'll be a young normal weight and new mother and you'll still be a fat old fart. HA!


I would rub their bellies and say
Well at least im just pregnant whats your problem.

Well I only have 4 more months to go , when are you due?

and then my favorites for the very very rude family members are, these.

wait 30 seconds and say, Hey you've got something right there, and when they wipe their faces , say nope its still there,
nope its still there, then follow them to the bathroom, and when they say, I don't see anything,

Sy O well i guess ya can't wipe ugly away.

And I use this one on my husband,

i make a face and then whisper,
Your breath Stinks!

that will make a person suffer terribly. Specially if you say it to them all the time and ask them to speak to the dentist.,

Good luck


Your hormones can make you sensitive and people can be forward when it comes to pregnant women and babies. I don't think they mean to be rude or hurtful. Procreation is important to society as a whole. I think that's the reason people feel comfortable insinuating themselves into your personal business.
Do your best to laugh off all the comments. Embrace your pregnancy and enjoy the attention.

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