Shall we have a moment of silence...?

As many have heard by now, a gunman of unknown motive went through Virginia Tech University and shot as many as 50 people...and they are counting as many as 30 (!) or more dead.

Can we, for a few moments at least, put aside our philosophical differences and offer our sympathy to the victims and their families?


Favorite Answer

yes,lets do so.

Newt 32007-04-16T14:25:35Z


By the way, this was the first I had heard of this. I worked third last night and just got up. It comes as a complete shock. I had to go to MSN to read the rest of the report.

I am so utterly speechless by the answer below. Very well done.


Spewing, seat-wetting emotionalism is plenty extra no-attempt than consumer-friendly experience. And, whats up, in case you employ consumer-friendly experience, you're transforming into empathy and different issues which will make you a useful citizen, vs. a raging ape who runs over absolutely everyone whenever you experience like it. And we will not have that!


This is an good example of how really prepared we are to handle crisis. I send my sincere hopes to the families and friend of the victims.


sure you can have a moment of silence. you probably do that at least 5 hours a day or more, maybe like 23 hours and 1 hour tops of talking. so you have had more than enough of silence.

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