fail emission test 1990 chevrolet lumina 2.5liter engine size?
on the test co% 1.12 was the reading it fail and hcppm1951 fail, what i want to no is how to fix this? this is on a chevrolet lumina 1990 engine size 2.5liters 4 cylinderss as i said the test was a emission test asm and the results as read on the paper are25/25 test co%1.12 allowed 1.00 and on the 50/15 test reading was 1670 and allowed 162 that failandf the co%0.91 fail how do i fix this?
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I agree with ztar1462, but also check for the slightest vacuum leak, pinches or cuts, also check for the proper routing of the ignition wires, yes this can cause problems as well.
I would also scan the vehicles computer and then check the EVAP system complete, the purge solenoid, canister and the vapor lines as well.
Sounds like you need to replace the converter. I would do a complete tune up for good measure - i.e. New plugs, wires, air filter and run a fuel system cleaner in it. If the check engine light is on as well get that checked out too. Hope this helps
seems such as you may desire to change the converter. i might do an entire song up for sturdy degree - i.e. New plugs, wires, air filter out and run a gasoline equipment purifier in it. If the examine engine gentle is on as properly get that appeared at too. desire this enables